1.Registration: Candidates will be called as per ranks at the Registration Counter. Candidates have to pay the prescribed registration fee at the counter and obtain a receipt. They have to sign in the registration book at the registration counter. After signing in the resgiter, they have to proceed to the waiting hall at the verification counters.
2.Verification: Candidates have to submit all the required original certificates at the verification counter, when called. After verification of certificates, candidates have to wait in the counselling hall. They have to fill the details in the option forms provided to them (except the options).
3.Counselling: Candidates will be sent to the counselling counters as per ranks. At the counselling counter, candidates shall ensure that their details are correctly displayed on the counselling terminal before viewing the vacancies. Candidates shall fill their options in the Option forms provided to them as per their priorities in the order of preference. Candidates shall make sure that the counselling staff has entered the options correctly as per their order of preference. After giving options, candidates have to wait till their name is called at the Allotment counter.
4.Allotment: Allotments will be made as per merit in a sequence. If the options given by the candidates are not available at the time of allotment, they have to exercise options afresh. Once allotment is made, they are called to the Allotment counter. Candidates shall verify the allotment order for the correctness of the seat allotted and sign on the allotment order. After signing in the Allotment Order, candidates shall proceed to the bank counter for payment of fee.
5.Fee Payment: Candidates can pay the fee either in the form of D.D. or in cash at the Bank Counter when called. Candidates shall proceed to the Allotment Order Issue counter after paying the fee.
6.Issue of Allotment Order: Wait at the Allotment Order Issue counter till called. Candidates shall collect the Receipt of Certificates (receipt for the certificates they submitted), Allotment Order and Fee receipt at the counter. After taking the Allotment order and other receipts, candidates shall leave the premises and make room for others.