how to run and install teamviewer, remote desktop

enter the url: or click here.

you'll get an exe file.

Now open it, you'll see the following screen:

Also ask the other person to do the same as above.
Then ask his Id and click on connect to partner.
Then it will ask for a password, once you give the password, you'll see the desktop of your partner.


Andrew_Mikogo said…
Hi Prashanth

Would you like to take a look at Mikogo remote support? Mikogo desktop sharing is a free app for web conferencing, remote support and online meetings. It allows you to share your screen with up to 10 people + share remote keyboard/mouse control. And it's free for businesses. Check out the website and let me know if you would like more info.


Andrew Donnelly
The Mikogo Team
Twitter: @Mikogo
Its really good, I will give review about your product once I use it!
Thank you for your comment and letting me know about a new free desktop sharing product.

Thank you,
Andrew_Mikogo said…
Hi Prashanth,

Thanks for your reply. Looking forward to reading your review!

All the best,

Andrew Donnelly
The Mikogo Team

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