How to Read 200% Faster in 10 Minutes

Two Minutes: Use a pen or finger to trace under each sentence/line as you read as fast as possible. Using this visual guide prevents regression. It will train your eyes from losing your place also.
Three Minutes: Begin each line focusing on the third owrd fromt eh first word, and end each line focusing on the third word in from the last word. The entire sentence is read, just with less eye movement.
Two Minutes: Once comfortable indenting three or four words from both sides, attempt to take only two snapshots per line on the first and last indented words. Reading is simply a series of jumping snapshots (called saccades or fixations).
Three Minutes: Practice reading too fast for comprehension but still with using the last three steps for five pages prior to reading at a comfortable speed. This will heighten perception and reset your speed limit. I like to think of this step as an open highway. If you are traveling 50mph normally it would seem kind of fast. However, if you drop down to 50mph from 70mph, 50mph seems to be really slow.


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